The early days...

Creative Planet began in 2010. We are a group of employees and free-lance who have been working together for more than 20 years. We started in Los Angeles with Fastlane Communications and continued in France and Sweden with Fraggleway before we became a Swedish company based in Stockholm.


Our team are driving spirits with cutting-edge expertise within their fields and we collaborate accordingly depending project type. We consider us to be able to offer everything a client need and often a little bit more with our creators within graphic production, internet, system development, photo/video, illustration, 3D…

Gunilla Karlborg

CEO | Project Manager

Nicolas Karlborg

UX Designer / Creative Director

Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
- Scrum Alliance
Certified Agile Development
- Univeristy of Virginia

Our steady team of consultants consist of Project Manager, Art Director, Graphic designer, Illustrator, Programmer, Web developers, 3D artist, Motion designer, Photographer, Video producer, Video director, Copywriter… And the others, depending on projects.